「Easy Listening」の記事一覧

“NIMBLE” 「ニンブル」

On June 10, 2010, I composed a song called “Nimble.” This was the first song I created using music software on・・・

“Rainy Weekend”「雨の週末」

  Rainy Weekend: A Bossa Nova Romance  The pitter-patter of raindrops against the windowpane sets the sce・・・

“Forgetting Worldly Cares”「浮世の憂さを忘れて」

I play neither golf nor gambling. I am such an old man who is in a good mood if I have a computer and music so・・・

“Viola Falling In Love”「恋に落ちたビオラ」

“That viola seems to have fallen in love with the violin. It was dazzled by the clear tone of the high notes t・・・

